What Does Unicorn Mean On Tinder

What Does Unicorn Mean On Tinder

What Does Unicorn Mean On Tinder?

New to Tinder and wondering about the term “unicorn”? In online dating, some words might confuse you.

If you’ve seen “unicorn” while swiping, don’t stress – you’re not alone. Let’s chat about what “unicorn” means on Tinder.

We’ll explore its importance in today’s dating world, whether you’re looking for love or just curious.

Let’s dive into this term and see what it’s all about!

What Does Unicorn Mean On Tinder?

The unicorn emoji on Tinder often signifies that the person is looking for a threesome or a polyamorous relationship.

In the world of online modern dating, the unicorn emoji has come to symbolize the concept of a “unicorn” in the context of threesomes or polyamorous relationships.

Here’s a detailed explanation:

Threesome: A threesome refers to a sexual encounter or relationship involving three people.

In this scenario, the unicorn emoji suggests that the person using it is open to or interested in participating in a threesome.

The term “unicorn” is often used to describe a third person, typically a bisexual woman, who joins an existing couple for a sexual or romantic experience.

The use of the unicorn emoji signals that the person is willing to play this role.

Polyamory: Polyamory is the practice of having multiple consensual and emotionally meaningful relationships with more than one partner, often with the knowledge and consent of all involved.

The unicorn emoji can also be used to indicate an openness to engaging in a polyamorous relationship, where one

person may be seeking to connect with an existing couple or join a group of people who are romantically or sexually involved with each other.

Symbolism: The choice of the unicorn emoji is not accidental. Unicorns are rare and mythical creatures, much like the perceived rarity of finding a

third person who fits well into an existing couple’s dynamic or a polyamorous arrangement.

The use of the emoji suggests a sense of playfulness, fantasy, and uniqueness.

Communication: While the unicorn emoji has gained a certain level of recognition for its association with threesomes and polyamory, it’s crucial to remember that its meaning can be context-dependent.

Conversations around such topics should always involve clear and open communication.

Before assuming anything, it’s advisable to directly discuss intentions, boundaries, and

expectations with the person who used the emoji to ensure that both parties are on the same page.

What Does a Pineapple Mean In a Tinder Profile?

On Tinder, the use of a pineapple emoji in a person’s profile or messages typically indicates that their relationship status is complicated.

Just like other emojis, the pineapple can convey various meanings, and in this context, it signifies that the person’s romantic situation may be intricate or unclear.

In the context of Tinder and modern dating, the use of the pineapple emoji could suggest that the person’s romantic situation is not straightforward or easily defined.

It might indicate that they are currently navigating a complex relationship dynamic, possibly involving multiple partners, uncertainties, or emotional intricacies.

By using the pineapple emoji, individuals may be signaling that they are open to connecting with others despite their complicated relationship status.

They might be looking for understanding and communication rather than seeking a traditional, monogamous relationship.


What Does Unicorn Mean For Dating?

In the context of dating, the term “unicorn” refers to a specific type of person who is sought after in certain

non-traditional relationships, particularly within the realm of polyamory or open relationships.

A “unicorn” typically refers to a bisexual woman who is willing to join an existing couple for a sexual or romantic relationship.

The term is used to signify the rarity of finding such an individual who is open to and compatible with both members of the couple.

The unicorn is often seen as a desirable addition to the relationship dynamic, and the idea is that this person brings a sense of novelty and excitement.

It’s important to note that the term “unicorn” can carry both positive and negative connotations.

On the positive side, it can represent an opportunity for unique and fulfilling connections.

On the negative side, it can sometimes objectify or oversimplify the person being referred to, reducing them to a

role within the relationship rather than recognizing them as an individual with their own desires and needs.

What Does Unicorn Mean On a Dating Profile?

On a dating profile, the term “unicorn” is often used to convey a person’s interest in engaging in a unique and specific type of relationship dynamic.

In this context, a “unicorn” typically refers to an individual, usually a woman, who is open to joining an

existing couple for a romantic, sexual, or sometimes even emotional connection.

Here’s what it generally means:

Third Partner: The term “unicorn” implies that the person is open to being a third partner in an existing relationship, which is often a couple.

This could involve various levels of involvement, from casual dating to a more committed arrangement.

Polyamory or Threesome: The use of the term “unicorn” on a dating profile suggests an interest in polyamory or threesomes.

It signifies a willingness to explore non-traditional relationship structures and potentially be part of a multi-person dynamic.

Rare and Desirable: The “unicorn” label reflects the idea that finding a person who is comfortable with this type of arrangement is considered rare and desirable.

It can imply a sense of adventure, excitement, and novelty in the dating experience.

Communication is Key: If someone uses the term “unicorn” on their dating profile, it’s important to communicate openly and clarify expectations.

This can help ensure that all parties involved have a shared understanding of what the term means in their specific context and what kind of relationship they are seeking.

Remember that the meaning of terms like “unicorn” can vary among individuals and over time.

It’s essential to have respectful and honest conversations with potential

matches to ensure that everyone’s boundaries, preferences, and intentions are aligned before pursuing any kind of relationship.

How To Find Unicorn On Tinder

Finding a “unicorn” on Tinder usually refers to looking for a bisexual woman interested in joining an existing couple for a threesome.

If that’s what you’re looking for, it’s important to approach the situation respectfully and communicate openly.

Be clear in your profile about your intentions, and remember to prioritize consent, communication, and the comfort of all parties involved.

Keep in mind that not everyone on dating apps will be interested in this arrangement, so be patient and respectful in your interactions.

Other Words You Should Know Their Meaning  On Tinder

Cuffing Season: This term refers to the time during the colder months, typically in autumn and winter, when people are more inclined to seek out a romantic partner.

The idea is that individuals want to have someone to cuddle up with and spend time with during the colder, cozier seasons.

It’s a trend where people may be more open to settling down temporarily for companionship and warmth.

Catfishing: Catfishing is when someone creates a fake identity, often using fictional information or photos that aren’t theirs, to deceive others on dating apps.

The intention can vary – some might do it for attention, while others might have more malicious intentions.

It’s essential to be cautious and verify the authenticity of the people you interact with online.

Cushioning: Cushioning involves keeping multiple potential romantic options “on the back burner.”

This means maintaining contact and flirtation with several individuals simultaneously, even if you’re in a committed relationship.

The idea is to have these “cushions” in case your current relationship doesn’t work out, providing emotional support and potential backup options.

Kittenfishing: Similar to catfishing, kittenfishing involves presenting oneself in a slightly exaggerated or misleading way on dating apps.

People might use older or heavily edited photos, or describe themselves in a way that doesn’t accurately reflect reality. It’s a milder form of deception compared to catfishing, but it can still lead to disappointment and confusion.

Benching: Benching occurs when someone keeps a potential romantic interest “on the bench,” meaning they’re kept in the background without a commitment.

The person who is “benched” might experience sporadic communication or dates, but they’re not a priority.

This can be frustrating and hurtful for the person being benched.

IRL: “IRL” stands for “In Real Life.” On Tinder, it’s often used to express the desire to transition from online interactions to meeting in person.

It signifies a willingness to take the next step and move beyond the virtual realm of the app.

Understanding these terms can help you navigate the complexities of online dating, enabling you to engage with others more effectively and protect yourself from potential pitfalls.


In conclusion, on Tinder, the term “unicorn” represents an individual open to participating in threesomes or polyamorous relationships.

This concept reflects the rarity of finding someone willing to join existing partnerships, emphasizing the importance of respectful

communication to ensure all parties are comfortable and informed about the relationship dynamics they are entering into.

Frequently Asked Questions About Unicorn On Tinder

What Does Unicorn Mean On Tinder?

The unicorn emoji on Tinder often signifies that the person is looking for a threesome or a polyamorous relationship.

What Does a Pineapple Mean In a Tinder Profile?

On Tinder, the use of a pineapple emoji in a person’s profile or messages typically indicates that their relationship status is complicated.

What Does Unicorn Mean For Dating?

A: In the context of dating, the term “unicorn” refers to a specific type of

person who is sought after in certain non-traditional relationships, particularly within the realm of polyamory or open relationships.

What Does Unicorn Mean On a Dating Profile?

On a dating profile, the term “unicorn” is often used to convey a person’s interest in engaging in a unique and specific type of relationship dynamic.

How To Find Unicorn On Tinder?

Finding a “unicorn” on Tinder usually refers to looking for a bisexual woman interested in joining an existing couple for a threesome. If that’s what you’re looking for, it’s important to approach the situation respectfully and communicate openly.


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